Enjoy the Many Benefits of a Corporate Membership with the TSLRRA

Secure your membership before the 2023 Annual Meeting

The Texas Short Line and Regional Railroad Association’s annual meeting is coming up in February 2023, so now is a good time to plan for that and also to secure a membership with the TSLRRA for your company, if you don’t already have one.

Who should hold a membership with the TSLRRA?

tslrra membershipSince its inception in 2003, the TSLRRA has served the greater Texas railroad industry and many of its support industries.  Its mission is to promote economic growth and prosperity throughout Texas, remain active in public safety issues and work with local governments and organizations to enhance transportation infrastructure.

Any company or individual in transportation, logistics, engineering, economic development or related fields should consider aligning with the Texas Short Line and Regional Railroad Association.

You can learn more about the organization at the TSLRRA website.  Also, visit their LinkedIn page.

TGB Group is proud of its membership with the TSLRRA.  It allows us to learn of important breaking news and trends in the industry we serve, which helps us continue to build our company in ways that best serve our customers and associates.

TSLRRA’s leadership is committed to supporting its members as we all work together to build better jobs and futures in this always-vital industry.

New memberships and renewals

Check the TSLRRA website (linked above) for details on registration for the TSLRRA 2023 Annual Meeting, which will be held in Austin, Texas, on February 13. We hope to see you there!

If you already have a TSLRRA membership, keep an eye out for membership renewal notices, which are currently being sent out.  As a reminder, this is a members-only meeting, so dues will need to be current.

If you have questions, contact Anabelle Cormier or send an e-mail to: info@tslrra.org.

Thank you for keeping Texas on track!

The TGB Team